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Autopilot and Embedded Controls

FarCo provides a range of single-processor, dual-processor, and multi-processor autopilot systems. The autopilot systems support various types of unmanned vehicles (including aerial, water surface, ground, and underwater vehicles) and are supplied along with graphical ground station interfaces that are fully configurable to meet the needs of any specific unmanned vehicle application. The autopilot systems have an onboard scripting engine that provides flexible automation capabilities to support any mission scenario.

For ordering information, please contact us.
Dual-Processor Autopilot
Product # FARCO-2ARM-12-1X
A small foot print low power embedded microcontroller platform for signal processing and controls applications. Various sensors (e.g., GPS, IMU, magnetometer, pressure sensors) are integrated and may be configured to provide a complete open architecture auto-pilot for various unmanned vehicles.

The auto-pilot board has two 32-bit ARM microcontrollers and provides a large number of I/O ports (including serial ports, CAN bus, I2C, GPIO), fourteen PWM outputs, and several A/D and D/A channels for further user interfacing.
Please click on the PDF link below for the datasheet.
Miniature Autopilot
Product # FARCO-MAP-14-1x1
A miniature autopilot (less than 1 sq inch in size, less than 0.5 oz in weight) for small vehicles. The autopilot has a full 9-axis inertial navigation system and provides 5 PWM outputs, 2 A/D inputs, 3 serial communication interfaces, and a pressure sensor. The autopilot has a 32-bit ARM microcontroller.

Please click on the PDF link below for the datasheet.
Autopilot + quad-core computer
Product # FARCO-DUAL-14-1X
A two-board solution for computationally intensive applications (e.g., video or sonar processing). The two-board system includes our dual-processor autopilot board (FARCO-2ARM-12-1X) in combination with a quad-core single-board computer (running Linux). The system provides several USB ports, Ethernet connectivity, DisplayPort, HDMI, and several serial ports.

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