Dual-Processor Autopilot
Product # FARCO-2ARM-12-1X
A small foot print low power embedded microcontroller platform for signal processing and controls applications. Various sensors (e.g., GPS, IMU, magnetometer, pressure sensors) are integrated and may be configured to provide a complete open architecture auto-pilot for various unmanned vehicles.
The auto-pilot board has two 32-bit ARM microcontrollers and provides a large number of I/O ports (including serial ports, CAN bus, I2C, GPIO), fourteen PWM outputs, and several A/D and D/A channels for further user interfacing.
Please click on the PDF link below for the datasheet.
Miniature Autopilot
Product # FARCO-MAP-14-1x1
A miniature autopilot (less than 1 sq inch in size, less than 0.5 oz in weight) for small vehicles. The autopilot has a full 9-axis inertial navigation system and provides 5 PWM outputs, 2 A/D inputs, 3 serial communication interfaces, and a pressure sensor. The autopilot has a 32-bit ARM microcontroller.
Please click on the PDF link below for the datasheet.
Autopilot + quad-core computer
Product # FARCO-DUAL-14-1X
A two-board solution for computationally intensive applications (e.g., video or sonar processing). The two-board system includes our
dual-processor autopilot board (FARCO-2ARM-12-1X) in combination with a quad-core single-board computer (running Linux). The system provides several USB ports, Ethernet connectivity, DisplayPort, HDMI, and several serial ports.