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Inertial Sensors, IMU, AHRS, Tilt Sensor

FarCo provides a range of sensor fusion and navigation systems for various applications.

For ordering information, please contact us.
Tilt Sensor
Product # FARCO-TILT-14-1X
  • Static roll and pitch measurement using three-axis accelerometers and gyros.
  • 0.5° accuracy in roll and pitch.
  • Serial (RS232/TTL) and I2C interfaces.
  • Update rates configurable up to 1 kHz.
  • Less than 1 x 1 x 0.4 inches (without housing). 0.5 oz weight.
3D Compass
Product # FARCO-3DCOMP-14-1X
  • Static heading, roll, and pitch measurement using three-axis accelerometers, gyros, and magnetometers.
  • 1° accuracy in heading. 0.5° accuracy in roll and pitch.
  • Serial (RS232/TTL) and I2C interfaces.
  • Update rates configurable up to 200 Hz.
  • Less than 1 x 1 x 0.4 inches (without housing). 0.5 oz weight.
Product # FARCO-AHRS-14-1X
  • Attitude Heading Reference System (AHRS)
  • Dynamic heading, roll, and pitch measurement using three-axis accelerometers, gyros, and magnetometers.
  • 1° accuracy in heading. 0.5° accuracy in roll and pitch.
  • Proprietary high-accuracy sensor fusion algorithms that outperform classical Kalman filter based methods.
  • Real-time magnetic anomaly detection and compensation.
  • Serial (RS232/TTL) and I2C interfaces.
  • Update rates configurable up to 200 Hz.
  • Less than 1 x 1 x 0.4 inches (without housing). 0.5 oz weight.

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